The Clovers

Ladies of various personality traits yet peculiarly similar, one may discover the interesting facts of each individual over time.


Always stay positive as i believe Things Happen For A Good Reason. Cheers!


Life is short, live your dream and wear your passion!


The dreams you dare to dream, really do come true


When life's tough, remember you are T.O.U.G.H.E.R

Sunday 10 November 2013

Cape Town, South Africa

It has been two months since the AIA Summit Convention in Cape Town, South Africa. It seems like just yesterday that I touched down in Changi Airport. It took me sometimes to sort out the photos and finally it is completed and ready to share :)

I was happy that I qualified for this convention, it was definitely a recognition of my hard work. And I'm glad that I had my dearie mum with me for this trip, I wanted to share my achievement with her :)

I joined AIA in 2011 as a Financial Consultant, the layman call us Insurance Agent. The general perception of people who don't understand the meaning of Insurance would see the Financial Consultant (or be it an Insurance Agent) as P-E-S-T! That was part of the reason it took me 6 months to consider 'To Be' or 'Not To Be', as I never want to be seen as a pest. Furthermore,  it was an important decision of changing my career path. Finally, I decided to step out from my comfort zone...

Ended my life as an office lady for 6 years, I started a new chapter with AIA. Till day, I have no regrets with my decision. It's definitely a fruitful journey. I'm a better person now, wiser and more matured. I feel grateful that I met all the kind soul thru the journey, and I'm glad that I have not been marked (or not that I know of) as a pest. 

Thanks AIA, my family, all my friends and clients for your continuos support and trust, and creating this amazing journey together with me. 

Cheers!     by Shevy

Thursday 7 November 2013

“唤醒间脑,开启智慧之门” 讲座会


“唤醒间脑,开启智慧之门” 讲座会 - 入场免费!

-您还在为孩子学习时“前记后忘” 而痛苦吗?





☎️咨询及报名电话:Cosar 8488 1882
                                  Tara 9091 4819
                                  Shevy 9276 5542
                                  Wendy 9424 0582

时间:早上10:30am - 1:30pm
日期:24 November 2013
地点:Blk 135, Jurong Gateway Road, #03-333/335, Singapore 600135 

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Uniquely Tuesday

T'was a rainy Tuesday, and any sort of rain tends to dampen my mood especially when I'm heading out at that time. That is, unless, there are no plans of going out THEN I'll be appreciative of the weather since I'll be well sheltered.

Anyway, my girlfriend and I made reservations at Tom Yum Kungfu for dinner. Can’t help but reminisce the good old times as we made our way towards the Thai Restaurant at Boat Quay.

Tom Yum Kungfu
16 Circular Road
Hours: Mon - Fri: 1130 - 1500
Mon - Fri: 1800 - 2230
Sat: 1800 - 2230
Tel: 65361646

We ordered the set for 2 with an additional side of Prawn Cakes. Was it too much, or just right? I think the amount was just right. We were filled to the brim by then. Enough to let my tummy out for a breather and just sink in the sofa for a good nap. Hahahaha..

After dinner, we decided to head towards Paulaner BräuhausSingapore. Since it was my first time going and GF said it's quite a cool place to visit, additional plus points to find Gerald and her other friends so off we went! 

An accident on the highway.
See what did I told you about rainy weather?!

So we reached Paulaner after a 10 minute drive... (sorry, no pictures taken of the place). 

Paulaner BräuhausSingapore
9 Raffles Boulevard
#01-01 Millenia Walk 
039596 Singapore
+65 6883 2572

5 glasses and we're defeated by redness!

Ending the entry with 2 lobsters....

- SF

Image isn't everything. Character is.

Ok, let's take a break, grab your coffee, tea or melody.. Have a good read!

We all have an idilic idea of where we want to be, who we want to be, and the life we want to live. What many are failing to realize is the arduous road filled with long hours and many a sacrifice, that has to be walked if our dream is going to be realized.

The dream may be sexy, but the true value lies in the journey. It’s in the journey that we create toughness, resilience, and character. It’s where we learn the value of a dollar, how to rise above our circumstances, and take care of our kin.

As our “profiles” become our story, instant gratification and vanity are replacing the most valuable gift we’re given; the right to earn.

5 Boring Characteristics You Need to Succeed

Image isn't everything. Character is.

Let your peers toil on Facebook in an endless attempt to show the world the ease of their lives, while you work. While you’re developing character that will bring you the success you crave, success that always exists at the end of a tough road, where the one who lasts is rewarded with riches, let them spend what they don’t have in an effort to please people they don’t like.

These 5 boring characteristics will bring you more happiness and meaning than any premature vacation ever can.

Consistency is one of the least sexy characteristics a person can possess. In today’s society it’s even avoided. Spontaneity is king. Uncertainty is what we want because uncertainty is exciting.

We don’t want to know what we’re doing today, because if we know exactly how our days go, what’s there to look forward to?

Here’s the thing, anyone who’s ever had a mission in life worth working for understands that it’s consistency in their work that will help them create breakthroughs. It’s the consistency of our habits that will make or break our lives.

Consistency leads to creation creation.

If you consistently and persistently work towards a goal, you will outlast your failure. Failure is not only temporary, but it’s how we learn. Those who outlast their mini-failures will see success.

What to do: create consistency in your routine and daily life. If you have an audacious goal you’re working towards, work towards it everyday. Don’t take a day off.

It’s discipline that makes dreams and audacious goals come true. In fact, nothing of value, be it a great body, or earning a million dollars, is possible without discipline.

The act of discipline is alone makes you a stronger, tougher, more resilient person.

Teddy Roosevelt probably said it best…

The one quality which sets one man apart from another – the key which lifts one to every aspiration while others are caught up in the mire of mediocrity – is not talent, formal education, nor intellectual brightness – it is self-discipline.

With self-discipline, all things are possible. Without it, even the simplest goal can seem like the impossible dream.

What to do: Be aware of what helps you and what hinders you. Work diligently on avoiding and removing those things that hurt you from your life.

Confidence, as it should be, is praised. Everyone needs confidence to be able to attempt the things that make them happy, but humility is just as valuable. It’s humility that helps you work harder because you’re aware of the work you still have to do.

It’s humility that keeps you learning, and arrogance that shuts your mind, and slows your evolution.

What to do: You aren’t perfect, nor will you ever be. Remain aware of where you come from, but also how far you’ve come up to this point, and how much further you still have to go.

Instant gratification is becoming the way of the world. Our governments spend what they don’t have, just like we spend, buy, and vacation before we’ve earned what we want. Not surprisingly debt has never been higher. 

“Don’t buy things for yourself, invest in yourself.”

Too many are buying things in an effort to feel better about themselves. This feeling never lasts, however. If you instead invest in yourself, your business, and your personal growth, you’re going to improve, evolve, and expand. You’re going to improve.

What to do: Save your money. Don’t buy things you can’t afford, and don’t spend money on things, when you can invest money on your own future.

Ah, ignorance. So far as I’ve seen, it’s those who are ignorant of what can be done and what can’t, who usually do the things that others said can never be done.

You need a healthy dose of ignorance if you’re going to accomplish something great.

Napoleon Bonaparte was ignorant. As was Teddy Roosevelt. As was Robert E. Lee. Sure, they had humility, they worked hard, but they set out to do what others thought was impossible. And that’s a characteristic to be admired.

What to do: don’t deem something impossible simply because you, or someone else, has never done it before. And always be ignorant enough to do things even you think are impossible.

Combine the characteristics already mentioned, with ignorance as to what can and can’t be accomplished, and you’re well on your way to leaving a lasting imprint on this planet!

Article forwarded by Tara from somewhere she don't remember... Sorry :p

Monday 4 November 2013

It's your choice!

Facing your FEAR(s).
What will you choose?

Forget Everything And Run
Face Everything And Rise?

Sunday 3 November 2013

Chinese herbal emperor chicken

This is one of the dishes that I'm most familiar with. Besides fried rice, spaghetti, my signature black pepper fish and whatnot, this is the easiest to prepare and serve for your loved ones. Most Chinese will be familiar with this dish, the Herbal Emperor Chicken. However, I'm unable to provide the exact ingredients as the lady from the Medical Hall usually wrap the herbs up and hand it over. Lol.. It's not that I'm unwilling to share! However, I used to follow this recipe I found online:

  • 1 Chicken, cleaned
  • 500ml Water (adjust accordingly to your preference)
  • Salt to taste
Assorted Herbs in approximate weight:
  • 24g Huai Shan 淮山 (Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae)
  • 18g Dang Shen 党参 (Codonopsis Pilosulae)
  • 16g Yu Zhu 玉竹 (Solomon's Seal Rhizome)
  • 22g Long Yan Gan 龙眼干 (Dried Longan)
  • 10g Gou Qi Zi 枸杞子 (Wolfberries)
  • 6 Hong Zao 红枣 (Red Dates)
  • 3g Chuan Gong 川芎 (Szechwan Lovage Rhizome)
  • 5g Tang Gui 当归 (Angelica Sinensis)
  • 15g Bei Qi 北芪 (Astragalus Membranaceus)

I'll steam the chicken for approximately 2 hours before serving. If you're worried that the soup may taste bland, you can start off with just a cup of water. 

Uhhh...... yes, I am sure.

I remember chopping the head off the chicken for the very first time -- I was shaking real badly and flung the head towards the basin after it was detached from it's body. No it wasn't the end. Non-stop apologizing to the chicken, I almost screamed after pulling it's feet out from it's a$s. Really, I almost died on the spot and was reluctant to touch any meat for a week or two after that. Yes, it WAS that bad. 

Ok I digress. The herbs are really good at nourishing your body so do try it out if you have the time. 
Good luck! 

- SF

First (Halloween) entry!

Surprise surprise! Don't shut me off.... I'm not that scary actually. It was the week of Halloween - where my girls and I dressed up for the event located at Dream, Clarke Quay. It was either dress up or doll up, which was the latter for us. Tara, Shevy and I decided to experiment with our faces for Halloween for the first time (not sure if we'll do it again). So what do you think? Do I look like a living dead? Frankly speaking I'm not too sure myself. I guess I look more of a sleep-deprived joker with visible darlie-white teeth rather than a skeleton head. Should have drawn me smiling instead, no?

My partner-in-crime!
(Before she devoured some nasty beings and forgot to wipe the stains off her mouth)

Wendy, the sleep-deprived Joker, Shevy and Tara...

And a vampire slayer (I conclude)

I have to be honest, the party wasn't that exciting. I was anticipating for more, given that we were participating in Halloween for the first time. Meh.... Shevy, Tara and I ended up entertaining ourselves by watching some Geisha getting high with booze. Lol!  

Anywho, just in case if you're wondering how I look like............ as a human being.

Pardon my spastic face.

- SF