The Clovers

Ladies of various personality traits yet peculiarly similar, one may discover the interesting facts of each individual over time.


Always stay positive as i believe Things Happen For A Good Reason. Cheers!


Life is short, live your dream and wear your passion!


The dreams you dare to dream, really do come true


When life's tough, remember you are T.O.U.G.H.E.R

Friday 25 October 2013

Be yourself

What is the biggest mistake people made in their life? 
Answer: For not being themselves.

Taking your hair down and being completely frank. You are something new in this world. Be glad of it. Make the most of what nature gave you. You can sing only what you are. You can paint only what you are. You must be what you experiences, your environment, and your heredity have made you. For better for worse, you must cultivate your own little garden. For better or for worse, you must play your own little instrument in the orchestra of life. 

No matter what happens, always be yourself. 

To cultivate a mental attitude that will bring us peace and freedom, remember...

Let's not imitate others.
Let's find ourselves and be ourselves.

- Dale Carnegie

By Tara

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Top monthly salary industries in Singapore

Ever wonder you are being paid fairly, or ever question if your current industry will take you further?  According to the MOM yearly wages report 2011, financial services industry pays the highest gross salary across management, profession, associate and clerical support level.

Professional services such as lawyer, lecturer, general physician are among the second highest paid job. 

The study based on age 35-39 which is usually the peak of the individual career life. 

Source. Ministry of Man Power

The second graph compared the top 5 and bottom 5 salary paid jobs in different industries. 

After seeing the national wide average , are you on the right track of your career? If not, how to change the runway or supplement your income to keep pace with other players and not lag behind? 

Email us, and we will be able to help and provide you with more information :)

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Waterproof Camera!

Going to Phuket, water sports is a must! I'll be planning a Phuket trip next month, so excited! Heard there's a lot of things to do over there. 
As we will be going snorkeling and all, I guess I would need a waterproof camera. So I try my luck searching in Qoo10 & true enough, I managed to find a cheap waterproof camera which cost only $7.99! 

It took only 2 days to arrive which was rather fast. It was well bubble wrap by the seller. 
The deepest it could go is up to 3m deep. But anyway I'll be only be going snorkeling, so it's more than enough. 
There are many colors to choose from, but I take the white one instead as it look simple and nice with my favorite pink casing.  
Guess I would need to buy the film to use it. Gosh, how many years have we not been using film? 
I shall update more photos using this camera to see the effects next month. Hopefully I'm able to take nice coral pics underwater. And beautiful scenery. 

By Wendy

Monday 21 October 2013

星期一,把长发剪短。 换个发型,换个心情。



Cheers!     by Shevy

@ MacRitchie Reservoir Park

First time running at MacRitchie Reservoir Park. Managed to finish 11km :) Yeah~

Cheers!     by Shevy

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Food Charity Drive

It has been some time since my last charity work due to busy schedules. I got a chance to do this charity through my friend, they have been distributing necessities to the needys & elderly island wide for 10 over years.
And this time, it's their first time collaborating with another organization so I decided to help out too. 
When we got there, we went to the wrong block as another organization is also distributing necessities to the lower income group. Nevertheless, we still manage to get to the right place. 
After reaching, we transferred all the plastic bags from the car to the void deck while the organization admin make their preparation. There's a total of 7 cars to deliver these bags over. 

They had prepared almost 100 bags of necessities for the needys. Their usual practice will be house visiting to communicate with them to see if they need any other further help. However, because of the partnership with the organization, we will be distributing at block void deck. 

While the admins are preparing the documentation & paper work, crowds are slowing moving in, waiting for their names to be called to collect the food rations. 

Knowing there will be a lot of elderly, my friend prepared 100 bottles of ointment which he made himself. He bought the snow lotus(雪莲) that grows in the mountain at about 4 to 5000 metres in Tibet. As taught by the Tibet master, he came back and soak with rice wine & "tian qi" for a year. The ointment helps people with rheumatism & arthritis, joint pain. My mum & many aunties had tried & feedbacks are all good. 

The whole event took almost 5 hours to finish. Although it had been a tiring day, but it's definitely meaningful & worth to help other people who are in need. 

Living in Singapore is so much fortunate than in other countries. I had travelled to a few countries & had seen people who lived in slumpy houses, homeless, children playing with rubbish and much more. 

Due to the inflation & increasing medical cost, the lower income group are not able to sustain their existing expenses. 
While we still have the ability, we should contribute back to the society & help the rest. 

After the event, I'm so motivated to organize charity work myself. As my time is flexible, I'll be coming up with a few events to help out the needys which I'll share in the blog. 
If you are keen or interested, you may drop us an email to notify us. 


Monday 7 October 2013

Hey there! I just got the Real Camera-Phone. Yeappi!

I just shared about the True Marketplace- PasarBella with you yesterday. And I'm now going to share with you the Real Camera-Phone, Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom! :)

My phones got snatched about 2 months ago in Ho Chi Minh City (well, no typo here. I'm talking about 2 phones) ... :( Since then I was using the iPhone 3 while taking my own sweet time to hunt for new phone(s).

I was in a dilemma whether to get an iPhone again (I was using iPhone 4 previously) or should I get a Samsung's phone (another lost phone is Samsung Note 1). And if I'm getting Samsung, which model is good... ? 

As mentioned in earlier post, too many choices aren't a good thing to Shevy. She prefers True or False Questions than Multiple Choice Questions ever since she has 'grown up'... Maybe I should share why Shevy hates Multiple Choice Question in the future post...

Well, I decided to do some 'human based' research so I asked around for comments & feedback. Still, I didn't manage to make a conclusion out of it, as you know every brands have their Die-Hard fans telling you their favourite brand is the best... -.-"' I decided to just hang on with the old iPhone 3 and wait for the 'Mr. Right' to come. LoL! I meant the right phone here...

And finally... just the last weekend, Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 catch my eyes with it HUGE screen. I didn't rush into purchase, and did what usually a singaporean do- surf before you buy! While reading on the reviews and specs, I found Samsung Galaxy S4 ZOOM. It just look like any other smartphone from the front, but it looks like a digital camera at the back. The camera specs- 16MP & 10x optical zoom can compete a digital camera in the market.

What?! A-REAL CAMERA-PHONE?! Immediately, my 'aunty' mentality told me how good it is to get 2 things at 1 price! =) Soon, I made my decision between two phones with considering the functionality of the phones, suitability of my needs & lifestyle, and of course the price tag. S4 Zoom is my choice :) 

Just right after finishing up my work in the office yesterday, I ran down to Suntec City HiTech Mobile to grab the S4 Zoom @ $630 (the best bargain I could find). I was happy about getting a new phone, I was also worried about the tedious process of transferring content from Apple to Samsung products... 

Luckily I found Samsung Smart Switch tool online and it made my life became so much easy. The whole process completed with just few clicks :) Oh yeah! Talking about Samsung Smart Switch tool, there're quite a numbers of similar software offered by 3rd party company in the market. However Samsung chose to have their own tools/solutions for it consumers. Hmm... I think Samsung is rather aggressive and 'gear up' to bite the Apple! :P

It is 3.22am now, I'm still exploring my new phone :) I think I should go to bed now. Good night~ :)

Cheers!   by Shevy

Sunday 6 October 2013

The True Marketplace- PasarBella

If you were just like me haven't visited The Grandstand (former Turf Club in Bukit Timah) for sometimes, then you should! The run-down grandstand now comes back alive with more than 20 food and beverage outlets, some would really surprise you :)

I went The Grandstand last week as my friend asked me along to check out PasarBella. I thought PasarBella is new flee market for good bargain because of its name so I said 'Yes!' without a second thought :)

While on the way to The Grandstand my friend was keep talking about what to have for dinner but not anything about flea market. Then I only found out from him PasarBella is a restaurant having the similar concept of Marche. My excitement has dropped to Zero immediately as I never like Marche. 

Well, believing in 'things happen for a good reason', we never aborted the plan to visit 'PasarBella'. 

We were scratching head once stepped into PasarBella. There wasn't any signage to say 'Please wait to be seated', neither any service staff to guide us on table seating, nor distributing cards to use for food order. What we saw is stalls selling fresh produce, wine and... NONE of them selling 'cooked' food to fill our empty stomach.

However, we decided to explore further as we were attracted by the concept of this 'restaurant'. Every steps further, we see more and more interesting stalls selling food and specialty... Hmm... We realised this is not a restaurant but a Marketplace. The 1st True-Marketplace on the red dot. And soon I fall in love with it...

Having too many choices aren't a good thing for greedy Shevy :P After going rounds and rounds I finally decided to have my new love- Roast Pork Belly from Roast & Host by Keith & Kin. Allow me to say this word- 'Wa Seh!' It's Amazingly delicious!! Superb & thumbs up! :) Another thumbs up is the fresh oyster at Oceans of Seafood. Its best quality & freshness made me recall my catch up session with a long friend last year in Melbourne. She brought me to a marketplace have cheap and fresh oyster... Oops! I nearly finish all oyster on the plate and forgetting my poor friend was still hunting more food for me with empty stomach :P

As I was rushing for a last minute appointment with my client, I didn't manage to enjoy more food. Well, I will definitely go back to PasarBella very soon! :)

Cheers! ~By Shevy

P/S: Boys & Girls, you must check it out! *wink* :)



Saturday 5 October 2013


I've stop sketching for many years..
And I could never sketch my own portrait, but this time I made it.
It could be a signal to tell me that I've finally jump over my mental obstacle.

Let go of what holding you back, and dare to move forward..
Yes You can do it!
